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Writer's pictureSandi Vreugdenhil

Thoughts Become Things

The world is full of theories about positive thinking and visualization, and although this article won't be diving into any of them; what we are acknowledging is that for whatever reason, we have the ability to change our immediate reality by changing our thoughts. Reality in itself is subjective; what we think, we experience. And the difference between those who thrive and those who survive is a thin line; the conscious decision to see the world in a particular way.

Your mind is very powerful. Yet, if you're like most people, you probably spend very little time reflecting on the way you think. After all, who thinks about thinking? But, the way you think about yourself turns into your reality.

Take this thought experiment to illustrate. Close your eyes and think about the colour blue. Then open your eyes and take a look around yourself. You'll start to notice blue popping up everywhere, even the smallest bit of blue will be painstakingly obvious because you are thinking about it. Now repeat this process but this time think of green. Now notice how green is all you see? The blues are no longer relevant, and you won't notice them as you previously were.

The same thing happens when you hear a word for the first time. Suddenly you start to hear the word everywhere and being used by everyone. Or when you purchase a new car; suddenly everyone is driving that same car around town, or everyone seems to be pregnant when you are. These are simple examples, but what they do, is illustrate basic principles of how our brains work.

Did the world change with all of the examples above? Of course not, but once we draw conclusions, we’re likely to do two things; look for evidence that reinforces our beliefs and discount anything that runs contrary to our beliefs. There were no more blue or green objects, that word you're suddenly hearing everywhere is not being used any more than it previously was and that new car you bought is no more popular either, nor is everyone pregnant. In all of these examples, all that changed were your thoughts and because of that simple change, how you experienced reality changed.

If you draw inaccurate conclusions about who you are and what you are capable of doing, you will limit your potential. The same is true for business. How you look at challenges determines how you experience them. When entrepreneurs look at challenges as opportunities that is what they will experience as that is what they will be to them. They will see opportunities for success where others are only seeing negatives. When economic downfalls occur, entrepreneurs with the right mindset will find and seize the opportunities created and will thrive whilst others struggle.

In life you can't control many things; but one thing you can control is your own thoughts and how you perceive the world. Your thoughts then become things and thus reality. As an entrepreneur, how you decide to see the world will determine how you experience it and therefore whether or not you make a success of it.

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