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Writer's pictureSandi Vreugdenhil

4 Reasons to Invest in yourself

1. Investing in yourself has the greatest ROI

Most entrepreneurs chose to invest externally when it comes to their business; they outsource tasks like social media management and website development or buy a new-to-market productivity software. And while this might solve a few problems as they come (such as time wasted without that new productivity tool), investing internally solves infinite problems.

What we mean by investing “internally” is improving your mental sharpness. This can be done in a variety of ways, for example, starting your day with some meditation or another ritual to clear your mind, setting aside 15 minutes a day to read or listen to a podcast so that you can expand your knowledge and imagination or taking regular breaks during your workday to increase physical performance and productivity. Every business is filled with change; so, focus on the one constant you have complete control over: you.

2. Your Business is a reflection of you

As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for setting the values and the tone of your business. If you are stressed and panicked, these feelings will translate into the culture and tone of your business. On the other hand, however, if you are calm and confident, your business will reflect that.

How you behave in all aspects of your business reflects in your team culture. So, if there is drama in the office, rather than externalizing the blame, ask yourself, “What did I do or not do to create this?” It’s important to remember to what you ignore, you condone.

Importantly here, partnering with a business coach who holds you accountable and helps you unravel triggers that are impacting you and your business can skyrocket your growth. You should be the example of what you want your business and team to be and sometimes we all need some help on the path to getting there.

3. When you grow, your business grows

Another reason to prioritize investing in yourself is that when you invest in yourself, the challenges and difficulties that would’ve toppled you a few months ago, you can tackle swiftly and more efficiently. If you think back to the challenges at the dawn of your business, you can see now how you would easily approach and overcome them if you had invested in yourself right from the beginning by having the right coach or taking the right course.

On top of this, when you invest in personal transformation and leadership skills, you also surround yourself with people who uplift you and are invested in your growth.

4. Draining your battery is a recipe for disaster

Entrepreneurs and leaders spend a lot of time supporting and helping others. This results in often feeling stressed, tense, overburdened and stretched much too thin. Living in this chronic state of stress leads to poorer decision making, more worry about scarcity and ultimately you will get physically sick.

The solution to all of this is taking time for yourself and investing in your well-being. In your lifetime, you might have numerous businesses, but you only have one you. It is not selfish to invest in yourself, it is a necessity. After a little bit of “me time” for recovery and rest, you’ll be able to think with more clarity and direction and thus make better decisions and be more creative. You’ll have more energy to work more effectively and efficiently as well as have higher resilience to weather any business storms.

Entrepreneurs often feel guilty about prioritizing and investing in themselves. But now, more than ever, investing in yourself (both mentally and physically) has become necessary and one of the most important factors in business growth. So take time every day to practice mindfulness, go for a spa-day every so often, hire a business coach to hold you accountable and don’t be afraid to rest and recharge so that you can put all your energy into your business.

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